Kelly Slater has done it again. 41 years old and beating kids who weren't even born when he won his first world title. Think about that for a minute. Slater has won the Quiksilver Gold Coast Pro. After storming through the early rounds, he edged out Mick Fanning in the semis, and traded barrels with 2012 ASP Champ Joel Parkinson in the final. So much for all that pre-season training that the Aussies were doing. Looks like you need to train the mental game as well, as Slater demonstrated when he blocked Joel from real hollow wave in the last minutes of the final. Go USA, go bald dudes, 41 is the new 21. 
4/22/2019 11:33:20 pm

Congrats Kelly!

7/14/2024 04:41:01 am

Heello mate great blog post


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