The is saying that Gerard Butler is in final talks to play Bodhi in the Point Break remake. This remake has been a bad idea since day 1. Butler should just kick over Patrick Swayze's (RIP) headstone and desecrate his grave. Classics should not be re-made. Anyone who loved the original must boycott everything associated with this blasphemous remake. It is wrong on so many way levels, let's count them...
- It's disrespectful to the late Mr. Swayze. What's next, a Road House remake?
- "Lawyers don't surf," and neither does Butler. Remember how he almost died while making Chasing Mavericks.
- Having Johnny Utah play an older mentor like Pappas might have worked, but Keanu Reeves TURNED DOWN the remake!
- Butler has already jinxed any movie involving surfing, Chasing Mavericks barely made $6 million.
- Butler is old as dirt. He's already 44, he'll by 45 when it films. How many 45 year-olds (Kelly Slater is the exception, and he's still younger at 41) are believable surfing gurus and bank robbers??